Wednesday 2 September 2009

What a wonderful world

If you've been following me on Facebook, you'll know that I've just returned from supervising the launch of the latest Shuttle mission to the ISS. Everything went by the book and now I'm back in Crowthorne (my new home) discussing travel plans with Ryszard. He thinks that it may be later next year before we travel far afield due to the economic situation in the UK at the moment. That's cool. Plenty of feathers in many pies.

It's a great world out there. Even in the locale of Crowthorne there's plenty to see. Over the weekend went into the many woods and Coal-Tits, Great Spotted Woodpeckers and even the glimpse of a Kestrel. Even the walls of Broadmoor Hospital look strangely enigmatic.

On the jet back from the states I got to thinking that this world is great. You just have to look. And all the better that I saw it with eyes that weren't tainted by drugs. Its a great source of strength to me that I did not give in to the dealers in my Neighbourhood. Those scum who peddaled 'Q'. When I think of all those ducklinghood friends, good ducks that went "Daffy". It's something I really passionate about... I would never do Quack Cocaine.

Ryszard and I share the wonder of space. And through my blog I hope to share some of that passion to. See the picture at the top of the opening page to my blog site. I asked Ryszard whether in his library of the astro-photos he's taken he had something that was appropriate. He said "How about the Wild-Duck cluster!" so called 'cos some of the stars are in the shape of a 'V'. I can see it. Can you? Mind you he thought it should be called the "Wild Goose Cluster" in honour of the Wild Goose Pagoda he saw in China.

Anyway it's all out there. If its night-time and the sky is clear look up. If you see a light that doesn't move you've seen a star. Congratulations you've just taken your first waddle in space.

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