Thursday 24 September 2009

To friends old and new!

Ducks are very sociable creatures. We fly together. We eat together. We swim together. We also like making new friends. That's why I am so excited by the prospect of meeting some more of Ryszard and Ro's China Friends! Sure I've met a few of them before and taken to them like a duck to water. Sorry did I just write that? Ha, ha! I've been around humans too much!

But it's always nice to meet some more. But friendships shouldn't be taken for granted. Take my twin brother Chuck Spaceduck. We got on so well as ducklings. But something changed and ever since then he's waddled around with a chip on his shoulder. I only wish I knew what put his beak out of joint. His slightly evil tendencies worry me...

Ryszard asked me to write an algorithm to work out the best time and place to meet based on current locations of his friends nests, so that each has the shortest journey possible. I reported to him that the best time and place to meet is July 11th 2010 on Easter Island. For some reason, he was not amused!

Anyway keep looking at the stars!


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